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Life Beyond Wellington – Jonas Nagel on the Meaning and Marketing of Social Media

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    Life Beyond Wellington - Jonas Nagel on the Meaning and Marketing of Social Media DukeBox

Life Beyond Wellington - Jonas Nagel on the Meaning and Marketing of Social Media


We are delighted to announce Jonas Nagel CEO & Founder of 4 different companies in various fields, as the host of our first Life Beyond Wellington talk of the Summer term. This session is aimed at anyone wants to find out more about a career within the digital marketing industry and current students, OWs and parents are welcome to join. Jonas gives us an overview of his fascinating career so far, discussing how he got to where he is today and sharing some helpful tips and advice.

Jonas Nagel is a 22-year-old CEO & Founder of 4 different companies in various fields, he has invested and is part owner in several others. He is also part of the board of an investment company.

DukeCastInterviewsLife Beyond Wellington

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