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Introduction to IGCSE’s – Philip Stainton

micBaz ReillytodayJune 15, 2020 31

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    Introduction to IGCSE's - Philip Stainton Baz Reilly

Baz Reilly talks to Philip Stainton about IGCSE’s

Pupils in the Senior School will follow a rigorous academic programme that is designed to challenge every child with the finest elements of a modern British curriculum, framed within our international location to meet the needs of all our learners.

Pupils in Year 10 and 11 will study and prepare for the internationally acclaimed examinations ‘IGCSEs’ through a two-year course, across a broad range of subjects. The broad range will be a combination of core compulsory subjects (English, maths, science, modern foreign language) and optional subjects. This will provide our pupils with between 9 or 10 IGCSEs depending on their choices.

For further information on IGCSEs at Wellington and the subjects we provide, please view our Wellington College International Hangzhou IGCSE Options Booklet.

Click the link below to download our Wellington College International Hangzhou IGCSE Options Booklet.


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